Thursday, February 21, 2008

Secretly, the house hated Betsy

Betsy and Timmy loved riding through the woods on the back of their magical flying house, until the day they flew too close to an overhanging branch. Timmy was able to duck out of the way in time, but Betsy would never walk again.


Anonymous said...

The "destroy planet" button doesn't work. Disappointed!

Anonymous said...

Besty found out that wood was not a good material for feminine hygiene products, but was quite suitable as a prosthesis. They never again played on that rooftop, but cherished the memories.

amc32 said...

'...if all that flat-capped ruffian can smell is bush, I'll probably be safe' thought Betsy.

ichi said...

"Rubbing your vagina won't cure cancer" said little Willie as he stood astonished.
Medicine evolved years later.

Anonymous said...

"Do we really have to go Timmy? It's ... really ...uh ... quite ...mmmm... pleasantsittingheeerreeeeeeeennnnnngggggg!

Ok we can go now."

Ed said...

"Well, that's good news for me, then, Becky. I've always quite preferred deciduous!"

Erik said...

"Mom says you're still too young to ride the mechanical bull, and to get your ass down off the roof."

Anonymous said...

Jasper, be a dear and fetch the K-Y, would you? This stovepipe is a little rusty.

Anonymous said...

"I say Vickers, what's that bush you're sitting on?"

Anonymous said...

Timmy looked on admiringly. "My, what a remarkable bush you have Betsy..."

"Thank you Timmy. I find that trimming it regularly encourages it to grow back bigger and fuller than before."

Anonymous said...

"I know you said you were as big as a house, Timmy, but I had no idea!"

Anonymous said...

"Are you tring to look at my mimsy you chav mockney bastard?"
"Gaw blimey! erm...Step in time, step in time?"

Anonymous said...

"On a bit. On a bit more. Yes - that sound like it it! Oh, no it isn't - they say the sound's good, but the picture's gone all wobbly. Can you go back a bit, and still keep hold of the tree?..."

"Sod this for a lark" thought Betsy. "If they like football that much, the least they could do is to stump up for cable".