Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oh, That Ruffles...

'Middle East tension, economic crises, domestic violence... this is all terrible, Ruffles!' 'Yes. Puts what I'm about to do in perspective, doesn't it?' 'I suppose. But does it have to be in front of mother?' 'Yes, Timmy. Yes it dones.'

Credit where it's due: Thanks to Steve Wilson for the image (by way of clipart.com).


Anonymous said...

"Rrrrrruffles has rrrrrrrrridges, Mommy!"

"I know, son. I know."

Anonymous said...

Timmy: "What do you mean by man's best friend with privileges?"

Anonymous said...

"What a find!" exclaimed Mathieu, "a greyhound mascot suit up in the classifieds!" Bonaparte rushed up to his side in glee and looked over his shoulders knowing now that they can both enjoy the tantric pleasures of furry muck together. He brushed his paw up Mathieu's inner thigh as a group of fair and decent womanly women took shock over the two's furry affection.

Hewligan said...

As Jonathon appeared to transmute into a very, very horny rape-bear, standing over Timmy and learing, Alicia decided that perhaps she shouldn't have dropped that second tab of acid after all

Anonymous said...

Timmy: I hope a lady dog answers your personal ad, Ruffles. I'm tired of being your bitch.

Anonymous said...

"Look! Manchester City's mascot has died of shame. We'll get you a job yet dad."

Anonymous said...

Page 3 took David and Teddy off guard...

Anonymous said...

Although Timmy tried to put a brave face on it, Alicia couldn't help but notice that his tumor was getting much bigger and more hirsute. Much more hirsute.

Anonymous said...

"I thought we'd drowned that pesky snooby-dogg." remarked Muriel.
"Perhaps we should have tied a heavier brick around his neck." opined Millicent.
"The trouble is, Little Timmy has grown quite attached to him." replied Muriel.
"But his furry friend is obviously a kiddy-fiddler dressed as a dog..." replied Millicent. "Do you think I should pop a cap into the motherfucker?" she queried.
"No no no," Replied Muriel, "Timmy will be sixteen in a mere fourteen months, then we can all play charades together!!"
"How delightful!"
Do I win $10.00?

Anonymous said...

Bertha looked over and saw it really was true... Little Timmy really was a son of a bitch

Reverend Frag said...

"Look Ruffles, a 2 for 1 sale on knickers down at the Crotcheteria!"


/seriously, though, how are you supposed to write a caption to improve on that picture?

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon this site, and coincidentally I just peed myself.

vincenzo said...

"Timmy, let's go get our 72 bitches and 80,000 servants in paradise!"
"Yes, let's us be free of this place Ruffles!"
However, Ruffles had one other thing in mind before leaving this planet...he told himself that Timmy wouldn't mind.
"Margret, isn't that Ruffles tossing Timmy's salad?" said Elenor.
"OH, MY HEAVENS" said Margret
Then Ruffles started to howl and just when he reached a high pitch, he detonated his explosive belt and there was a defening blast that blew both of them to bits.
"Elizabeth, is that a piece of Ruffle's scrotum stuck to your chin?"
"Oh no, I do believe it is Timmy's"
"Dear me!" said Margret.

Anonymous said...

"Hey look... it says here in the papers that the Woolvesworth Werewolf Virus has mutated into an airborne state!”

“Indeed, Timmy? Then I suppose that my breathing heavily into your ear in what I would like to consider an irresistibly sensual manner has already infected you, and that nothing I could possibly do next would make matters worse…?”

“Ruffles, please. We both know that you carry a few more diseases than that up your furry old sleeve.”